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What is Freedom Gallery?

Story of Renovation

Freedom Gallery Guidelines

“So in FG’s case, the budget and timeline were achieved and with so little money! A big part of this is Sajith, who suggested the initial budget and timeline, because it is very difficult to make a budget in advance. Almost impossible, as there are many unpredictable things, like inflation, especially in Sri Lanka that time. If it’s a corporation led project, they will set a budget and time that they will exceed at least by 3 times. But in your case it was like wow, exact!”

Elena Repina,

(World Traveller)

“I see warmth, light, protein, and bread. Eminently presentable.”

Prune Wickart,

HiHiRi PiPiRi Secretary and Treasurer

“First and foremost, thank you so much for inviting us to your freedom gallery, it was an eye-opening experience for all of us. My wife, Himansi especially enjoyed the stay and she is still talking about your dedication and the education that you have extended there for the children and the community.”

Saumya Liyanage (PhD)

Professor in Theatre and Drama

(BA Kelaniya, MCA Flinders, PhD La Trobe)

“Thank youuu so much for having us there and everyone loves the place. We had a great experience one of THE most unforgettable ones ever”


Dear friend and Opening Day co-organizer!


Thank you beloved, beautiful, inspired Friends and Artist-Researchers!


The Hihiri Pipiri Transcultural Creative Network is a trove of various artistic sanctuaries and initiatives spread across both of the former Laurasia and Gondwana supercontinents.

Our mission is


To recover, nurture and vindicate the Artist as translator and mediator by ensuring their Freedom of Movement;


Restoring, building, reimagining infrastructure and educational tools for Creative Sanctuaries, their Communities and Guests;


Promoting and coordinating exploratory Performance, Craft and Research of a shared transcultural ethic.

[email protected]